6 Things to Know Before Starting Your Build

Last updated on March 25, 2024

Staring to build a home? Here are the top five things you need to know before you begin. Read on!

Building your home can send you a plethora of emotions. There’s that excitement and also the overwhelming feeling when you may not know where and how to begin.

Even if you’ve got a trusted builder working with you to make this happen, it’s very important for you to take on an active role to ensure that everything goes smoothly. This is your home, after all, and since it’s a costly expense, you should leave very little room for error.

Knowledge is very important before beginning any project, and this applies to building your house too. It’s necessary to have a solid foundation—both literally and figuratively. Being well-informed can help make the process smoother both for you and your builder.

If you want to build a good home, you should know certain aspects of the house-building process. This article aims to shed light on some of those.

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Research Established Property Values

The current value of real estate around where you plan on building is an important indicator of how well your new home will hold its value over time after it has been constructed.

It’s best to find a professional by googling “land appraisers near me” who understand the local market and can give you a good idea of the estimated property value. This ensures that you don’t over-invest in an area that has a lower market value.

Look at similar properties nearby and note how large or small their current market values are compared to each other as well as how close or far away they are from each other geographically. This is a fantastic article on living in Kahala that shows an example of how you can do this research.

Both location and overall condition of neighboring homes will play factors into the worth of your home. Gaining insight information can allow you further control in this sphere too by allowing predictions on wear and tear trends over time proven by homes in similar areas.

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Have a Little Background on Construction Matters

construction site check

Knowing the basics of construction is essential for a successful build. This includes understanding building codes and the basic principles of architectural design. At the very least, you’ll need to have a working knowledge of plumbing and electrical work.

This is very important so that when you and your contractor will meet, you don’t feel as if your contractor is speaking a foreign language. The more you know (even if it’s only the basics), the more you can take an active role in the whole process.

Apart from these construction-related matters, you’ll also need to know that there are many rules you’ll have to abide by, both during the build and after. These laws can come from local as well as federal government authorities and they’ll help to make sure that the structure is built to code.

This is something that you’ll need to have knowledge of because building without following regulations can cause legal problems for you and your home in the future.

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Understand How Much You Can Afford To Spend

save money

One of the most obvious areas of concern before even starting with the build involves cost. The amount of money that you’re going to spend will greatly impact the size of the house and its overall quality.

You’ll want to research the price range of various materials. Find out what types of materials you’ll be using, whether they’re wood, concrete, or metal. These materials vary in cost and size and you need to have an idea before you begin.

When you’re handed out the plans and the budget quoted by your contractor, find out if there are any areas where you can lower the expense. You don’t need to skyrocket the cost just to have a successful build. With the right contractor, there’s always a way to work around whatever budget you can afford.

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Open Communication with Your Contractor is Very Important


If you previously thought that you can leave the entire build in the hands of your contractor, then you’re wrong. You have to know, this early on, that open communication is very important.

For instance, if there’s anything regarding the build that may be a concern for you, inform your contractor about it right away. Don’t assume that because they’re builders, they know what’s on your mind.

Remember that these people face different client preferences for every project, so you’ve got to take time to adjust to each other.

If you aren’t involved in the building process, there’s a big chance that you’ll miss out on important details or opportunities. The project manager and architect will go through the plans with you often.

They’ll also be responsible for explaining the details to you at each step of the way. That way, any problems can be addressed as soon as they arise.

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Contractor’s Reputation is Paramount

contractor's desk

Building your home is one of the biggest projects you’ll undertake in your life. This is also going to be one of the most expensive, so you’ve got to get it right. Because this build is about your home, wouldn’t you want to leave it in the hands of the experts?

This is precisely why you also have to be certain about your builder’s reputation. There are so many contractors in the profession today, but not all of them are reputable and reliable. You have to learn how to filter through your options so that you’re guaranteed to receive high-quality work from the contractor you choose to hire.

Find out as much as you can about the contractor, including their experience and qualifications. Ask for references, and do a background check on them. It’s important to choose a contractor that has a track record of building quality structures and will do a good job for the duration of the job.

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House Size Matters

green mobile home

You also have to determine ahead of time how big your house is going to be. Size really does matter when it comes to building projects, as this forms the foundation of all of your decisions in the future. The size determines the cost and the length it will take to complete the build.

Generally, the size depends on the lot that you have. Then, you’ll also have to factor in the kinds of rooms that you’ll want to include, and the number of bedrooms.

For example, some households like to have an office, a playroom, and a dedicated storage room. But other homeowners want to skip this. The choice really falls on your needs and your preferences.

Also, factor in the number of people who’ll live in your home—like your kids, a potential nanny if you plan on having one, and aging parents, among others.

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The Takeaway

There are many different aspects that you should know before building your house. There are hundreds of things that need to be checked and looked into thoroughly before you begin. If you’re unsure about anything, contact a professional to help you.

The cost that you’ll be spending to get this done will all be worth it in the end. After all, the house that you build should last for a long time, for you and your family.

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