How to Choose an Eco-Friendly Generator

Last updated on January 5, 2023

Take these steps and considerations to choose an eco-friendly power generator for your home. Read on!

In these times of global uncertainty and the ongoing issues with climate change, electrical and energy power outs have become more and more common.

The generator can be a lifesaver; If the power goes out during the winter, it keeps you nice and warm, and in the summer, it can cool the entire house; But how do you choose the right generator for your needs? With so many on the market, it’s almost impossible to know what to look for.

In recent years, eco-friendly generators have seen an increase in popularity as many of us are well aware of the challenges we face due to global warming and climate change.

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First Up Take Precautions

power generator

Did you know that nearly 100 people die every year from carbon monoxide poisoning linked straight to generators? 

The power goes out, and people panic, especially if it’s at night. While fumbling around outside with the flashlight to get the generator up and running, people can often forget vital steps that can have serious consequences.

Always be sure to keep your generator at least 20 feet from your house with the exhaust guided in the opposing direction. And finally, ensure your home is fitted with the latest up-to-date alarms that will detect the slightest hint of carbon monoxide.

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When choosing an eco-friendly generator, make sure the performance is not only effective but efficient. You want to ensure that the generator you are choosing can handle the load it promises and check to see if it can handle sudden “spikes” in voltage.

Sound is another factor that plays an integral role in choosing the right eco-friendly generator. Quiet inverter generators are an excellent alternative to the loud industrial types, they proved to be more fuel-efficient, and hence, there will be fewer emissions.

Other factors that affect performance and are things to look for are how easy the generator is to move, the running time for the tank, and how large the tank is.

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How Safe the Generator Is

Safety is obviously one of the primary concerns when it comes to choosing an eco-friendly generator. With people living in the house, young kids asleep, safety is the highest priority due to dangerous gasses that may build up or leak from the generator.

As mentioned earlier, installing carbon monoxide alarms is a must and, in most states, is required by law. Regardless, they are cheap to buy and very straightforward to install.

Another critical feature to look for is how quickly your generator shuts down when dangerous levels of carbon monoxide are detected.

Be sure to check certifications developed for generators, such as EPA or CARB, and pick a generator that is certified for your locality.

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Understand What You’re Looking For

As with making any purchase of a significant price, doing research is a given and, in the long run, can save your family’s life.

But where many consumers go wrong is they don’t actually know or understand exactly the type of generator they are looking for or need. This can lead to spending more money than needed, not having enough power, or purchasing a generator that just doesn’t make the grade.

An excellent tip is to make a list of the things you absolutely don’t want to go without during a power outage. Once you have the list compiled, total up the watts of each appliance to give you a ballpark figure of the power needed to run those appliances.

Bear in mind the standard home uses about 5,000 watts.

Some examples of typical home appliances;

  • Fridge; 600 watts
  • Heater; 1,500 watts
  • Air-Con; 1000 watts
  • Desktop; 50-300 watts
  • Lights; 5-100 watts for each bulb
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The Takeaway

Buying a generator and, more importantly, an eco-friendly one is not an easy task; however, in saying that, if you know exactly what you’re looking for, the task is much and much easier.

Safety, performance, portability, efficiency, quality, and durability are all factors that should be at the top of everyone’s list when considering a purchase.

Quiet inverter generators are popular due to their low noise level and are generally recognized as incredibly eco-friendly.

If you follow the advice in this article and by all means think of additional needs that are individualized to you, I’m confident you’ll choose the generator that best suits your needs.

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