4 Reasons to Repair Your Stucco This Summer

Last updated on March 30, 2024

Do your exterior walls need a little touch-up? Here are the top reasons why you should repair your stucco this summer. Read on!

Everyone looks forward to summer because of clear skies and fantastic weather. It’s the time when kids end school and your family can take that much-needed vacation. Longer days and endless sunshine make it great for outdoor activities, too.

Summer is also the best time for all sorts of home renovations. For instance, you don’t need to look further from your stucco exterior to know it’s time for maintenance and repairs. While stucco is seamless, solid, and durable, it’s also prone to damage, just like any other material, when it’s exposed to the elements. Take a step away from your driveway and you’ll notice the cracks, chips, and blisters on your stucco exterior under the bright summer sun. You might even notice that the cracks have grown wider to almost 1/8 inch thick since you’ve last seen them. You see that the paint has faded and your once stunning exterior is no longer appealing.

You may even see unsightly stains in hues of black, brown, and green under windows or roof and wall intersections that weren’t as prominent in the previous months. These can make your walls look unsightly and may even hint that water has seeped in beneath your stucco’s surface. Or, you may observe some parts of the stucco have been chipped away by woodpeckers, termites, or even nasty squirrels wanting to build nests inside your walls. Holes deteriorate your walls, while intrusions could compromise your home’s stability and your family’s safety. 

All of the above are tell-tale signs of stucco damage, and it’s best to tackle them early on before repairs become more costly. Summer provides an opportune time to do stucco repairs with professionals.

Here are 4 reasons to repair stucco this summer:

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Ideal Work Weather 


Summer is the ideal season to work on your planned home makeovers. The warm climate makes it suitable for exterior home renovations such as your stucco. Bad weather can’t bother you as clear sunny skies serve as your companion for repairs.  

Plus, the summer temperature is perfect for stucco contractors to work on your walls. It allows the mixture of Portland cement, sand, lime, and water to harden and dry into a seamless finish. They can apply it early in the morning for it to dry as the sun goes up until high noon. 

Summertime repairs are also less messy.  You don’t get too much dirt from mud, rain, or snow while you or workers rid walls of brownish stains from leaky roofs and gutters, or as they scrub away algae and moss from your walls. You can use simple cleaning materials and minimal effort, so you can still enjoy the sun’s warm rays and the sunset.     

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More Productive Days   

stucco repair

You have more time in your hands during summer, when days seem endless. You don’t have to worry about distractions from friends or extended family members as they’re probably in some tropical paradise for the rest of the sunny days. You may even get more work done when you have an extra pair of hands or more as older kids can help you out. 

If you plan on hiring professionals, you can count on stucco repair to be done in no time as professionals work all day through to finish on the set deadline. They may even finish major renovations earlier when there are no distractions as you and your family are away on a vacation. You just need to plan and organize everything before you leave to make sure everything goes fine while they work on restoring your stucco exterior.  

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Summer-Inspired Makeovers 

wall crack

The refreshing season also helps channel your creative vibe while you’re intent on beautifying your home. The warm colors and good weather can inspire you to make that needed change you’ve wanted all these years. 

Choosing the right paint colors for your stucco can also make your home a stunning rendition of a tropical, Mediterranean, or desert landscape. You can choose earthy tones for a timeless effect or choose bright and bold colors to make it stand out. Aside from paint, you can also order a customized finish on your stucco. Stucco workers can apply tint and add it into a thick swirl to give your walls more character.  

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More Repairs Done

wall repairs

Stucco repairs during summer aren’t only confined to cleaning and treating the surface as it may also hint at more serious problems, such as water damage or wildlife infestation. 

Bulges and water spots can indicate water problems that can be addressed with routine plumbing inspection. Plumbers can check on your pipes and sprinklers, and determine if a leak or a burst pipe is causing damage to your stucco. They can fix plumbing issues or even relocate sprinklers so they spray on your plants and not on your stucco walls.

On the other hand, you might also need to call in additional workers to remedy damages made by unwanted critters, such as termites, woodpeckers, or squirrels. Walls may not be the only damage as they might also affect wirings or other parts of the house. 

Summer can be a time for simultaneous renovations in your home. Contractors can work on various areas of the house without any distractions from you or your family as you’ll probably choose to be on vacation rather than stress on the ongoing construction.  

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The Takeaway

Stucco is a reliable and affordable exterior finish for homes and buildings.  This mixture of cement, lime, sand, and water is fire-resistant, and it can help maintain ideal temperatures regardless of the season. 

However, stucco can succumb to damage over time. Large cracks, discoloration, crumbling, and bulges are tell-tale signs of stucco damage and may indicate more serious issues, such as plumbing and wildlife infestation. Addressing these signs early on can prevent further damage to your walls and ensure your structure’s integrity.

Summer is an ideal time to conduct stucco repairs since it provides amenable working conditions. The warm weather allows stucco contractors to work without the inconvenience of rain, mud, or snow. Summer weather also ensures stucco repairs and complementary paint jobs dry out perfectly to provide a seamless finish. 

Longer days also ensure that they can work nonstop. Efficient contractors can even finish the project just in time for you and your family to enjoy your newly restored stucco exterior after a refreshing summer vacation.   

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