Unique Small House Design Under 1000 Sq Ft

Last updated on May 11, 2024

This layout showcases a unique small house design efficiently utilizing space under 1000 square feet, combining style and functionality.

this layout showcases a unique small house design efficiently utilizing space under 1000 square
  1. This small house is under 1000 sq ft.
  2. It consists of one bedroom.
  3. The kitchen is compact and efficient.
  4. The living room is cozy and inviting.
  5. There is a single bathroom.
  6. The house has a front porch.
  7. The bedroom measures 12 ft by 10 ft.
  8. The living room is 15 ft by 14 ft.
  9. The kitchen is 8 ft by 6 ft.
  10. The bathroom is 6 ft by 5 ft.

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