7 Easy Ways to Lead a More Sustainable Way of Living

Last updated on March 24, 2024

Here are seven things you can do to start living a sustainable lifestyle. Read on!

When waking up in the morning to hitting the hay at night, there are all sorts of actions and choices you make without even realizing.

Whether it’s getting in the car to go to work, buying something off the supermarket shelf, or having a longer shower than normal. All three of these can have a huge impact on the environment that you may not even be aware of.

If you care about the planet and all the animals and species living in it, why not look into reducing your environmental footprint? Doing so will ensure you leave plenty of room for more wild animals and plants.

Here are just a few simple ways to lead a sustainable way of life for you and your loved ones.

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Think Twice Before Shopping

sustainable shopping

You may not realize it, but every single product you buy has an environmental footprint. This all stems from the materials that are used to create it through to the pollution emitted during the manufacturing and packaging process.

Before you buy anything else, ask yourself whether you actually need it. Of course, if it’s food and drink, they’re a given. However, when it’s other items like clothing and furniture, you may find they’re more of a want, than a need.

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Go Plastic Free

recycled chair

If there is one thing that is never going away, it’s plastic. In fact, billions of pounds of plastic can be found all around us, making up a huge percentage of the planet’s ocean surfaces. Each year, thousands of sea turtles, seabirds, and other marine mammals are sadly killed after ingesting plastic or getting stuck in it.

You can begin reducing your plastic waste in a couple of easy steps. This includes using reusable bags when you’re doing the weekly shop, and ditching single-use water bottles. Opt for unwrapped produce at the supermarket where you can start shopping locally.

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Pay Close Attention to Labels

From clothing to fruit to coffee, the number of options out there can get incredibly overwhelming. However, there are clear leaders in regard to minimizing your impact on wildlife and the planet.

For those who love their coffee, opt for shade-grown coffee. This is grown while keeping forest habitats intact. It’s wise to opt for Fair Trade-certified goods where you can too. Doing so means you support businesses who are dedicated to sustainable production and paying laborers a fair wage. 

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Be Water Wise

tap water

We must reiterate this over and over again – skip the bottled water! You’ll find bottled water brands try and give tap water a bad name. However, it’s simply just water from your faucet that’s essentially free!

Water conservation is also critical, particularly as our growing population puts more demand on the world’s water sources. Thankfully, there are lots of ways you can conserve water. This includes spending less time in the shower, picking low-flow water appliances, and fixing leaky toilets.

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Drive Green

electric car

Are you always on the road? Whether you’re heading to the office, shops, or picking the kids up from school, all the fumes you’ll be putting into the environment aren’t good. Now may be the right time to change your driving habits for the better. In fact, more and more people are opting to drive electric vehicles.

This is because they’re known to be more eco-friendly and better for the planet. You’re bound to have all kinds of questions relating to electric cars. The good news is LV ElectriX have all the answers, like how long to charge an electric car

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Green Your Property

energy efficient appliances

Once you’ve changed your mode of transport, now is the time to shift the attention to your home. Did you know there are so many ways you can green-proof your property? From ensuring your abode has energy-saving windows to adequate insulation, these tactics can be great ways to save energy and live more sustainably.

For more efficient lighting, why not opt for energy-saving ones? This step especially is that cheap, you won’t even notice a difference in your bank balance!

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Try Green Gardening

backyard beehive

Green gardening is an eco-friendly plant cultivation approach prioritizing sustainability and environmental consciousness. It involves practices such as composting, organic fertilization, and water conservation to minimize the use of chemicals and reduce waste.

Beekeeping is crucial in green gardening as it promotes pollination, a vital process for plant reproduction. Bees are natural pollinators, and their presence in gardens helps ensure the growth and yield of various fruits, vegetables, and flowers.

By incorporating beekeeping into green gardening practices, gardeners create a healthy habitat for these essential pollinators and contribute to the overall biodiversity and sustainability of their gardens.

The symbiotic relationship between green gardening and beekeeping fosters a harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, promoting a greener and more sustainable future.

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Start Composting


If you’ve got any leftovers on your plate once dinner is over, rather than scraping the remains into the bin, have you ever thought about composting it instead?

There’s a good reason why more and more people are opting to compost. Organic waste in landfills generates methane which is a potent greenhouse gas.

Should you start composting wasted food, such emissions are significantly reduced. It’s pretty easy to get started too. Simply find a container, throw in some newspaper and soil, and chuck in your leftovers.

We’re not saying your actions alone are going to make a substantial difference to the planet and wildlife. However, if we all come together and adopt the tactics above into our day-to-day lives, there should be some major positive changes we see in the environment. 

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