Sloped Land Very Steep Slope House Design

Last updated on May 9, 2024

This house design features innovative solutions to embrace the challenges of building on very steep and sloped terrain, ensuring stability and maximizing the breathtaking views.

this house design features innovative solutions to embrace the challenges of building on very steep
  1. The house is built into the slope, with the entry on the upper level.
  2. It is a three-level house with a total area of 3000 square feet.
  3. The upper level includes the main entrance, living room, and kitchen.
  4. The middle level houses the bedrooms and bathrooms.
  5. The lower level contains a spacious entertainment room and guest bedrooms.
  6. The house features large windows and a deck that offers stunning views of the surroundings.
  7. The ceilings are high, creating a sense of openness and space.
  8. The house has a modern design with sleek lines and a mix of materials such as wood, stone, and metal.
  9. Each level has access to outdoor space, including a garden and outdoor seating areas.
  10. The house is designed to maximize natural light and ventilation while ensuring privacy for each room.

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