Simple Elevated House Design for Flood Zones

Last updated on May 9, 2024

This layout features a simple, elevated house design optimized for flood-prone areas, ensuring safety and resilience against water-related damages.

this layout features a simple elevated house design optimized for flood prone areas ensuring
  1. Elevated on stilts with access via a staircase.
  2. Single-story with a total area of 1,200 square feet.
  3. Three bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, dining area, and living room.
  4. Open floor plan for a spacious feel.
  5. Large windows for natural light and ventilation.
  6. Roof designed to withstand strong winds.
  7. Sturdy materials resistant to floods.
  8. Water drainage system around the house.
  9. 10 feet above ground level for safety during floods.
  10. Compact footprint for minimal environmental impact.

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