10 Key Ideas on Modular Housing Statistics: Essential Insights

Last updated on August 11, 2024

Dive into this insightful exploration of the rising popularity and global trends surrounding modular housing, a revolutionary concept reshaping the future of residential construction.

Modular housing, a rising star in the sustainable building sector, has gained significant traction in recent years. As a construction method where homes are pre-fabricated in sections and then assembled on-site, it offers numerous advantages such as reduced construction time, cost efficiency, and environmental sustainability.

In this article, you’ll discover the latest modular housing statistics that illustrate its growing popularity and potential. From market size to regional growth rates, environmental impact, and future projections, every crucial aspect will be meticulously covered to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of this innovative housing trend.

The average cost per square foot of a manufactured home was $85

While conventional site-built houses typically come with a heavier price tag, opting for a manufactured home offers a pocket-friendly alternative.

A general estimate pegs the average financial layout to be around $85 for each square foot.

This value incorporates the expense from planning to completion and delivers a high-quality abode that doesn’t compromise on comfort and design.

Keep in mind that this cost is not fixed.

Factors such as customization, location, and size can influence the ultimate price.

21.2 million Americans live in manufactured homes

Manufactured housing, in recent years, has seen a surge in popularity. This is demonstrated by its wide adoption across the nation, especially among cost-conscious homebuyers and eco-friendlier individuals.

As per recent statistics, over 21.2 million citizens chose this mode of accommodation. This significant number suggests a strong shift towards the recognition of modular homes as a viable and sustainable housing choice.

The affordability, efficiency, and speed of construction associated with prefab homes contribute to this increasing trend. Furthermore, advancements in technology and design have greatly improved the quality of these homes, adding to their appeal.

Manufactured homes represent around one out of every nine new homes constructed in the U.S. each year

Data showcases the increasing popularity of modular housing solutions in the U.S. They account for approximately 11% of new residential constructions each year.

This significant percentage indicates a clear shift in homeowner preferences towards more sustainable, affordable, and efficient living solutions.

The rise can be attributed to the numerous benefits these homes offer, including reduced construction time, lower costs, and increased customization options.

Additionally, they appeal to environmentally conscious individuals due to less waste produced during their manufacture and potential for higher energy efficiency.

These factors combined illustrate why an increasing number of Americans are choosing modular homes when building new residences.

Manufactured home shipments rose to 122,000 per year, more than doubling in a decade

The surge in manufactured home shipments offers a clear reflection of the industry’s growth. In just ten years, there has been a doubling in the number of manufactured homes shipped annually reaching 122,000. This significant increase reflects not only the affordability and flexibility of modular housing but also the growing acceptance and demand for such a housing option.

Despite market fluctuations, this figure continues to rise, marking an impressive stride in this industry’s progress. This growth trend signifies the increasing acknowledgment of manufactured homes as a practical and sustainable solution to meet diverse housing needs.

As of June 2023, the annual shipment rate sat at just 87,000 homes

Although modular home assembling is increasingly popular in the 21st century, the housing market still faces limitations.

In the first half of 2023, annual shipment rates accounted for only 87,000 residences.

This statistic reflects the challenges of supply and demand, production intricacies, and an evolving industry trying to balance affordability with sustainability and quality.

The housing market has room for improvement and growth, viewing the current shipment rate as a stepping stone towards fostering this burgeoning sector.

The average sale price of a manufactured home has grown by 82.6%

In recent years, there has been a significant surge in the financial value of modular homes. The data clearly reveals a hike of approximately 82.6%. This amplification indicates not only a growing market but also the increasing public interest in more eco-friendly housing options.

With benefits such as customization, construction speed, and environmental efficiency, it’s no surprise that these types of residences are gaining monetary worth. The significant escalation in their selling price reaffirms their acceptance as a viable, cost-effective alternative to traditional on-site construction homes.

Texas is the state with the most manufactured homes with a total of 19,865 modular homes

In terms of sheer numbers, the Lone Star State leads the country in modular housing units. With a staggering 19,865 modular homes, Texas exponentially outmatches other states in its adherence to this sustainable type of housing.

The state’s expansive land area, along with a growing demand for affordable and environmentally friendly homes, may have played a part in this trend.

These homes not only offer an economical solution but also align with the global mission to reduce carbon footprints.

Mississippi is the state with the highest percentage of new manufactured homes with 33.5%

In the realm of modular housing, Mississippi leads the pack. Contributing a significant 33.5% to the nation’s new homes of this type, the state’s predilection for such dwellings is unmistakably prominent. This inclination towards manufactured homes is fueled by a combination of factors including affordability, quicker construction time, and attractive aesthetic designs – a testament to the value associated with this type of sustainable housing.

This trend signifies a broad acceptance of modular housing, revealing its potential for expanding towards even more sustainable and affordable living solutions in the future.

Hawaii is the state with the least manufactured homes with only 9 homes in total

Interestingly, Hawaii holds the distinction of having the fewest modular homes in the entire United States, a mere nine in total.

This statistic represents the still-nascent state of the manufactured housing market in the region.

Various factors such as shipping logistics, building regulations, and market preference can contribute to this low number.

Despite these unique challenges, sustainable modular housing in this idyllic Pacific paradise remains a promising area for future growth.

Hawaii’s share percentage for manufactured homes is only 0.4%

Despite the popularity of modular housing across the United States, Hawaii exhibits a disproportionately low rate of adoption. This Pacific paradise hosts just a handful of these homes, accounting for a rather minuscule 0.4% of the nation’s total.

Cultivation of the modular segment remains latent, hinting at the state’s sustained reliance on conventional housing practices. This figure prompts a deeper dive into the factors hindering the growth of the modular home market in this island state.

These could range from logistical challenges to differing architectural aesthetics and preferences.


  • https://eyeonhousing.org/
  • https://constructioncoverage.com/
  • https://www.reuters.com/

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