How to Use Glass to Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly

Last updated on January 19, 2022

Let’s look at some fascinating glass innovations that can help you live a more eco-friendly lifestyle. After all, we have a responsibility to protect our planet. 

People in today’s modern world are becoming increasingly enthusiastic about adopting a more eco-friendly lifestyle. It is critical to consider the effects of global warming and to become conscious of how you may help to reduce your carbon footprint. Then again, we also want future generations to be able to enjoy our world. 

As a homeowner, you may be wondering how you can make your home more energy-efficient and hence “green” or eco-friendly. Glass is increasingly being used these days to decorate our home. A fact many people often overlook is that glass is eco-friendly and can help to make our home green as well. 

Glass for modern structures is primarily concerned with energy efficiency and aesthetics. You can easily take help from a how to paint glass guide for making the glass look more impressive. Glass plays an important part in making a building ‘green’ in a variety of ways. Make your home an eco-friendly model by doing the following.

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Green Buildings

green glass home

The creation of green buildings is a step in that direction. Green buildings, as opposed to conventional structures, consume less water, optimize energy efficiency, conserve natural resources, generate less trash, and provide a healthier atmosphere for occupants. 

They are also environmentally friendly because most buildings employ recycled and environmentally friendly building materials and have effective building management systems.

Developers employ glass as a primary component during construction to achieve all of these advantages. Glass is well-known for being an eco-friendly material. Solar control windows and Low-E glass, for instance, can deflect heat or UV radiation to keep the interior of a building at an ideal temperature. 

Glass also minimizes the demand for artificial lighting by allowing natural light to make the inside more airy and open. From design, look, thermal performance, and comfort to basic aesthetics, choosing the right glass for a green building is very important.

Low-E high-performance energy-efficient glasses, such as AIS Ecosense, let a green building attain a high degree of balance across all parameters while also blocking a large quantity of solar radiation by reflecting away the infrared part of sunlight. This keeps the building cool in the summer and reduces energy bills and air conditioning consumption.

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Tinted Glass

Tinted glass, also known as heat-absorbing glass, is created by incorporating color pigments into the raw ingredients during the manufacturing process. Bronze, gray, dark gray, blue, and green are common color tints. 

The color density thickens the glass, limiting the quantity of light that can enter at the same time absorbing heat. Tinted glass absorbs heat because it limits the quantity of light transmitted.

When your structure requires glare reduction as well as medium sun control, you can use ColourVue tinted glass. While it is visually appealing in color, it is less effective at keeping heat out on its own.

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Eco-friendly Windows

Glass can be used in novel ways for skylights and windows. By using heat-reflective and sun control glass solutions for skylights and windows in homes, one may increase the attractiveness while being environmentally friendly.

Eco-friendly windows not only have a lower environmental impact, but they also make your house more pleasant and save you. If the windows have a high-efficiency rating, and you choose the ones appropriate for your climate, the temperature of your home will be less influenced by the outside weather. 

With a well-insulated window, you will not experience significant dips in temperature overnight during the cool winter because heat is less likely to escape through cracks or inadequate insulation. In the summer, an energy-efficient window will keep excess light and heat out, and your room will be cooler than the outside.

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Double-glazed windows

Double glazing or insulated glazing can minimize heat loss by up to 50% in a structure. In double-glazed window frames, a vacuum or a gas-filled gap between two glass panels limits heat transfer to a specific section of the structure.

Whether your home is in the chilly climes of the Drakensberg mountains or the scorching heat of the Karoo, the suitable Low-E double-glazed window and door systems will adjust the temperatures in your home while requiring less energy from your appliances. 

In the long run, this will be more cost-effective, and at the same time benefit the environment, through lower consumption of oil, gas, and coal, resulting in lower carbon emissions. You can even combine Low-E with double glazing to go further greener and ensure optimal energy efficiency in your home. 

Double-glazed glass facades have great noise insulation capabilities, which help to keep outside noises at bay and provide a more comfortable and productive atmosphere.

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Improved Return

Green buildings save money in the long run and attract a higher value when sold. It has also been demonstrated to save businesses money on energy, human capital, and natural resources.

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Impact on Environment

The fact that glass is recyclable and has little influence on the environment is the primary advantage that makes it a major component in green construction. 

Glass can help to improve indoor environmental quality when used properly, and can also help to increase energy efficiency. Along with practical benefits, glass can improve air quality, provide superb daylighting, and improve the overall health and well-being of the occupants. 

Globally, the conservation of precious national resources is a big benefit, and the project’s universal acceptance and greater marketability make it a feasible option for the business as well. When compared to other building materials, glass stands out as an environmentally friendly option. Besides, glassmaking necessitates the use of very little water.

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The Takeaway

The energy-efficient glass might make you feel more at ease in your own house. It will benefit your money and leave a cleaner environment for your children. So, when you’re building a new house or ordering energy-efficient glass for enhanced comfort and peace of mind, keep the above facts under consideration.

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