How to Choose Eco-friendly Bedroom Items

Last updated on May 8, 2022

Everyone wants their bedroom to be comfy but also eco-friendly. Here’s how to make it a better place for you and the environment.

An eco-friendly interior is an environment created not so much from natural materials but from safe materials for health and the environment.

There are situations when, after buying furniture, an unpleasant smell appears in the apartment, and as a result – allergies, headaches, and other ailments. It is because there are chemicals harmful to the body in the composition of the decoration or furniture.

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How to Choose Eco-friendly Materials for the Bedroom?

eco friendly bedroom

The natural origin of raw materials like wood veneer does not guarantee complete safety for health. Harmful fumes can even come from them since any living material is capable of accumulating radiation and toxins. In addition, an organic object can be coated with a dangerous synthetic varnish.

What we can say about compounds of artificial origin – petroleum products can be used for their production, which is the most dangerous for our health. Therefore, it is necessary to check the composition of each bedroom item and each mixture for interior decoration.

Pay special attention to products with super properties – water resistance, fire resistance, etc. They are probably obtained due to complex chemical compounds.

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Choosing Bedroom Materials

If possible, we turn to natural wood, rattan, and bamboo. There is not only an array of wood but also other available eco-friendly materials. You can take engineering boards and process them beautifully. The main thing is to make sure that there are no insidious substances in the composition.

It is worth mentioning separately about chipboard, the cheapest material for furniture and kitchen countertops. It consists of chemical resins (formaldehyde). Therefore, if you choose chipboard, then study the composition and labeling. And it is better to pay attention to MDF, which has natural resins in its design and is considered a safe material.

Fillers for upholstered furniture – environmentally friendly materials are foam rubber, polyurethane foam, moss foam, etc. Leather upholstery is safe, but the varieties of leather substitutes may not be very eco-friendly.

For the interior to be safe for health, you need to follow three rules: study the composition of materials, buy them from trusted manufacturers and check compliance with the conditions of application/installation.

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Ways to Make the Bedroom Eco-friendly

There are many ideas for the arrangement of the bedroom. Check out some of them.

Wastepaper Vases

A vase made of recycled waste paper can be an excellent decorative element. Some designers create real works of art from pressed recycled paper. Inside they have a moisture-proof coating, so you can safely put flowers in them.


To make the bedroom more eco-friendly, it is worth replacing ordinary paraffin candles with eco-friendly wax ones. Unlike paraffin, which is a petroleum product, wax is a natural material. They are also more beneficial for health since the burning of wax does not increase CO2 in the air.

Organic blanket

It is worth giving preference to bed linen made of eco-friendly materials – nettle, cotton, seaweed, eucalyptus, bamboo, and latex. They are also used to make sleeping accessories.

Latex pillows

Would you please pay attention to latex pillows, which have long gained popularity due to their beneficial properties when choosing pillows? Natural material is famous for its elasticity and elasticity. If you wake up with neck pain, it means that your pillow does not provide the proper support. Take a closer look at the latex models. They are durable, but at the same time, soft, with anatomical properties. Today it is one of the most comfortable pillow fillers.

Natural air purification

Instead of humidifiers that waste electricity, get more greenery in the bedroom – plants perfectly clean and moisturize the air. Not all flowers have the latter property, so if it is essential for you that the air in the room is not dry, it is worth buying indoor bamboo, dracaena, or flamingo lily.

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Are you wondering how to decorate an eco-friendly bedroom? If yes, then one of the best ways is to add environment-friendly wall art in the bedroom. Explore the trending prints for bedroom to make your space look beautiful yet peaceful. You can update the walls with wooden frames and natural green color to create an eco-friendly interior in the bedroom. 

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