What Can You Put in The Green Waste Bin in California: A Practical Listicle for Proper Waste Disposal

Last updated on April 6, 2024

Learn all about what you can safely and effectively dispose of in your green waste bin in California, ensuring that you’re part of a sustainable future.

Key takeaways:

  • Yard trimmings, garden debris, untreated wood, food scraps, food-soiled paper can be put in green waste bins in California.
  • Green waste law in California requires proper sorting and separation of organic waste.
  • Plastics, meat, dairy, oils, treated wood, pet waste, and diapers are prohibited.
  • Using a Lomi device can enhance green waste management.
  • Green waste collection options include curbside pickup, drop-off sites, subscription services, community composting, and special collection events.

Acceptable Green Waste in California

In California, residents can typically dispose of various organic materials in their green waste bins. These include:

  • Yard trimmings: Everything from grass clippings and leaves to branches and weeds can be tossed in.
  • Garden debris: If you’re pruning plants or getting rid of old flowers, these can go directly into the green bin.
  • Untreated wood: Small pieces of raw or untreated wood waste, excluding painted or treated lumber, are accepted.
  • Food scraps: Many areas now allow food waste, including fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, and eggshells, as part of their composting programs.
  • Food-soiled paper: This includes items like paper towels and napkins that have come into contact with food, but not if they’ve been mixed with hazardous substances like cleaning agents.

Always check with your local municipality, as allowable materials can vary by jurisdiction within California. Properly sorting your waste not only supports recycling programs but also plays a crucial role in the health of our environment.

California’s Green Waste Law Explained

Under California law, specifically the Mandatory Commercial Organics Recycling (MORe) program, businesses and public entities generating a certain amount of organic waste are required to recycle it. This legislation aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by diverting organic waste from landfills, where it decomposes anaerobically and produces methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

Furthermore, Senate Bill 1383, targeting a 75% reduction in organic waste disposal by 2025, enhances the scope of mandatory recycling. The law requires jurisdictions to provide organic waste collection services to all residents and businesses, hence the importance of understanding what goes into the green waste bin.

The regulations highlight the necessity of proper sorting, emphasizing that green waste bins are not a catch-all for all types of waste. They mandate that materials such as yard trimmings, nonhazardous wood waste, and food scraps must be separated from the regular trash.

By recognizing the role of individuals and businesses in waste management, California sets a precedent in waste reduction efforts. Participating properly means considering each item before disposal — a small action toward a significant environmental impact.

Prohibited Items for California Green Bins

While green waste bins are a great way to return organic matter back to the earth, certain items are a no-go. These restrictions ensure the efficiency of composting operations and the quality of the finished compost. It’s important to know that plastics, even those marked ‘biodegradable’ or ‘compostable,’ should not be placed in your green bin. These require special conditions to break down and can contaminate the organic waste stream.

Inedible kitchen waste like meat, dairy, and oils can attract pests and are typically not allowed. Similarly, treated wood products, which may contain harmful chemicals, are not suitable for green waste bins. Additionally, pet waste and diapers, though organic, are hazardous due to potential pathogens and should be avoided.

Gardeners should note that certain yard waste, such as large branches or dirt, might not be accepted due to size or weight restrictions. Remember, keeping these prohibitions in mind is vital for maintaining the health of our composting systems and the environment.

Benefits of Using Lomi for Food Waste in California

Incorporating a Lomi into your waste management routine can drastically elevate your green waste approach in California. By transforming food scraps into nutrient-rich dirt within hours, this innovative device can help you reduce the volume of waste sent to the green bin.

This not only lessens the burden on local compost facilities but also provides a valuable amendment for your garden, enhancing soil health without the need for synthetic fertilizers.

Additionally, utilizing a Lomi can reduce unpleasant odors and pests typically associated with decomposing kitchen waste, creating a more hygienic and pleasant home environment.

As California actively seeks ways to minimize landfill contributions and cut methane emissions, adopting Lomi technology supports these goals by diverting food waste from landfills and returning it to the earth as a resource rather than letting it decompose anaerobically in a landfill.

Green Waste Collection Service Options in California

Depending on your specific location in California, the options for green waste collection can vary, but there are common service types provided by municipalities or private waste management companies:

1. Curbside Pickup: Many cities offer regular curbside collection, encouraging residents to utilize their green waste bin for yard trimmings and food scraps. Collection frequency might be weekly or bi-weekly.

2. Drop-Off Sites: Some areas provide designated facilities where residents can bring their green waste. This is convenient for large amounts of yard waste generated from landscaping projects.

3. Subscription Services: For those not covered by municipal programs or needing more frequent pickups, private subscription-based services can fill the gap, offering tailored waste collection solutions.

4. Community Composting: Residents can sometimes participate in local composting programs that accept green waste. These initiatives support waste reduction and provide compost for local use.

5. Special Collection Events: Periodic events for the collection of specific types of green waste, like Christmas trees or large branches after a storm, are often organized to manage seasonal or extraordinary waste surges.

Residents are encouraged to familiarize themselves with their local green waste collection schedule and guidelines to maximize the benefits of these services for their community and the environment.


What goes in green waste bin in California?

In California, green waste bins are for disposing food scraps like fruits, vegetables, meats, and grains, food-soiled paper products such as pizza boxes and coffee filters, along with natural wood like clean untreated wood and non-lacquered wood chopsticks.

What can you not put in a green bin?

Items that should not be placed in a green bin include cardboard or paper, soil (along with compost and soil from plant roots), and dog or cat waste.

What should be thrown in green bin?

The green bin should be used for disposing of wet waste such as food items, peels, kitchen waste, cotton, coffee, and tea.

How can incorrect items in a green waste bin impact the recycling process?

Incorrect items in a green waste bin can disrupt the recycling process by contaminating compostable materials and potentially damage the recycling machinery.

Are there penalties for misusing green waste bins in California?

Yes, in California, residents can face penalties for misusing green waste bins, with the severity of the penalties varying among different municipalities.

What are some common misconceptions about green waste disposal in California?

One common misconception is that green waste disposal in California is hassle-free when, in reality, it requires careful sorting and adherence to specific disposal guidelines to efficiently recycle organic material.

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